How much does cost?

The price of a 12-month subscription for your organisation is based on the size of your organisation and your number of users.

As a client you’ll be able to download and print over 400 clinical skills guides, as well as receive regular updates to the content as guidance changes.

You can also invest in our highly flexible assessments package, which includes standard assessments and our interactive feature, which allows you to create exclusive assessments for your organisation from our question banks, as well as creating your own questions. You can then use the assessments to support individual revision, help registered nurses to accumulate evidence for CPD hours, and test large groups to evaluate understanding.

If you would like a formal quote for your organisation, please contact us: either call 0208 995 3336 or email, supplying the following information about your organisation:

  • For universities, your annual intake of students;
  • For other organisations, the number of your clinical or patient-facing staff.

We’ll pass your information on to our sales team and they’ll get back to you as soon as possible with a quote and more information.

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